Suicide Prevention Coalition

The MHA received funding from the NYSOMH to contine the suicide education and prevention efforts being led by the Genesee County Suicide Prevention Coalition.

Funding from this grant will be used in Genesee County to provide public service announcements, develope a resource card, and provide outreach to various identified populations. The grant also funds postvention support for survivors of suicide.

The Coalition is made up of individuals who are interested in working together on education, prevention and a unified response plan for Genesee County. Meetings are held monthly and are open to any interested partes. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in attending. The Genesee County Suicide Prevention Coalition is working to meet the needs of the community, and we value your input. The meetings are held once a month here at the MHA.

You may also visit, the US Dept. of Health and Human Services national mental-health web site.