Training Offered
Wellness Recovery Action Plan
This WRAP training is a self-management recovery system developed by Mary Ellen Copeland and a group of people who had mental health difficulties and wanted to incorporate wellness tools and strategies into their lives. Topics include: daily maintenance plans, how to recognize and deal with triggers, identify early warning signs, deal with systems, work on a crisis and post-crisis plan.
Hearing Voices That Are Distressing
The MHA offers a complete training that simulates the experience of having Schizophrenia. During the training, participants have the opportunity to experience hearing voices while attempting to perform various tasks. A discussion period follows. This training brings awareness to the daily challenges of those living with Schizophrenia and allows participants to develop a greater empathy & respect for the strength individuals have developed in coping.
Wellness Self-Management
WSM is a program designed to offer opportunities to improve quality of life. The program is broken down into various workshop topics. WSM helps individuals learn about recovery and what it means, how to make the best use of mental and physical health services and how to stay well by decreasing symptoms of mental health problems. WSM is about building on personal strengths, making informed decisions, overcoming negative thinking and taking action steps.
Growing Beyond Survival
This group is designed to teach trauma survivors the building blocks to rebuild their inner selves through self-awareness and healthy coping strategies. Rather than simply offering "band aid" type crisis interventions, this self-paced program empowers survivors with an understanding of where the symptoms come from and why. By learning a variety of interventions, skills, techniques and survivors are able to select and make use of different tools for self-regulation purposes.